Legal Notices

Returns & Replacements

If you return a product to us, you will be the exporter from the destination country. Title and risk of loss transfer to us upon our receipt of the merchandise. Pictorio Photos cannot assist you in recovering your taxes and duties. Shipping carriers will assist you for a fee. Please contact shipping carriers directly to initiate this service.


Your privacy is important to us. We strive to exceed your expectations for privacy. Cross-border shipments are subject to inspection by customs authorities. We may also be called upon to provide certain order, shipment, and product information to our international carriers. Carriers may communicate such information to customs authorities for the purpose of facilitating customs clearance and compliance with local laws.

Intellectual property

Any reproduction, representation, modification or adaptation, in whole or in part, of the Site and / or all or part of the elements found on the Site or which are incorporated in it is strictly prohibited. Users agree to use their best efforts to report to Collective Pictorio any infringement of intellectual property rights they may see.


"Cookies" are a block of data used to record data about a user's navigation on a website. "Cookies" do not identify a user. Collective Pictorio informs users that such "cookies" can be installed automatically on their Internet browser software. The setting of the navigation software makes it possible to inform of the presence of "cookies" and possibly to refuse them by referring to the instructions of the various browsing software of each user.

Personal data

The information and data concerning the users are processed by Collective Pictorio. Unless otherwise stated, they are essential to the management of their account and their access to the service. This information and data is also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with the legal and regulatory obligations, if any, to Collective Pictorio, as well as to enable us to improve and personalize the services we offer to users and the users. information we send them.

Warranties and limitations of liability

Collective Pictorio makes its best efforts to make the Site available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of the scheduled maintenance operations, subject to the provisions of this article. Access to the Site and the contents is provided on the basis of a service "as is" and accessible according to its availability. Collective Pictorio does not provide any express or implicit guarantee on the intangibility of all or part of the Site, the contents and its permanent accessibility. Collective Pictorio can not guarantee that certain characteristics of the products (in particular the colors) presented on the Site reproduce exactly the products; the fidelity depending in part on the quality of color rendering of each user's computer equipment.

Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

The present mentions are established and governed by brazilian law. Except as otherwise provided by public order, any disputes related to the interpretation, validity and consequences of these mentions, will be exclusively determined by territorially competent brazilian jurisdictions. Given the global dimension of the Internet, Pictorio Photos informs that all Internet users must comply with all the rules applicable in the country of residence of Internet users.